Experience Driven Communication.

Service BDC by the Numbers

Managing a Service BDC involves a strategic focus on key performance indicators to ensure efficient operations and optimal customer service. Tracking KPIs becomes impactful in measuring success and identifying areas for improvement. Key metrics may include the number of service appointment schedulers needed to deliver a desired service level and “the three efficiencies”, hold time, talk time, and wrap-up time. In addition to the efficiencies are the effectiveness metrics such as appointment conversion, transfer rates, drop rates, and inbound status check calls.

Regularly monitoring KPIs allows you to make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, and align the Service BDC’s efforts with the service department’s overall objectives.

Here is a comprehensive guide to managing your Service BDC by the numbers.BDC
  1. Hold Time Efficiency: Engaging Customers Quickly

Hold time is the first touchpoint for customers calling in, and it sets the tone for their overall experience. Minimizing hold times should be a top priority for the Service BDC. Using call routing, smart IVR routing, efficient call distribution can significantly reduce the time customers spend waiting.

KPI target – 20-second average

  1. Talk Time Efficiency: Balancing Speed and Quality

While minimizing talk time is important for handling a higher volume of calls, it’s equally crucial to maintain a balance with quality service. Talk time is the biggest threat to achieving overall efficiency. When talk time goes up, so does hold time. Agents should be trained to efficiently follow the process without rushing the customer. Call guides, regular training and QA monitoring help keep talk times at an efficient length.

KPI Target – 00:02:30 (two and a half minutes or 150 seconds)

  1. Wrap-Up Time Efficiency: Completing the Customer Interaction

Efficiently wrapping up a call is as important as minimizing hold and talk times. Agents should be trained to conclude conversations professionally, ensuring all necessary details are recorded and appointments are scheduled accurately. Reducing wrap up time contributes to a smoother workflow and improved overall customer satisfaction.

KPI Target– 2 minutes max

  1. APT Conversion or Resolution: Closing the Loop Effectively

One of the primary goals of the Service BDC is to convert calls into appointments (APT). Monitoring APT conversion rates helps gauge the effectiveness of the team. Implementing a robust appointment scheduling system, giving agents easy access to information like price, job times and specials contributes to APT conversion.

KPI Target – 50-70% This KPI is directly affected by what type of calls go to the Service BDC instead of the service lane.

  1. Transfers: Minimizing Handoffs for Seamless Service

Avoiding excessive transfers is vital for a seamless customer experience. Agents should be empowered with the information and tools needed to resolve issues without unnecessary transfers. Regular communication and collaboration among team members can help streamline internal processes and reduce the need for multiple transfers. Tolls like Microsoft Teams or Slack are great ways for the Service BDC to communicate with the frontline for quick access to answers and information the frontline can provide.

Regular outbound status check calls or text automation keeps customers informed about the progress of their services, enhances their experience, and builds trust. Integrating status check calls and notifications into the advisor’s workflow not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces the likelihood of inbound status check calls, aiding in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the service BDC and service department working together to achieve the best possible customer experience.

KPI Target – less than 10%

  1. Drop Rate: Minimizing Missed Calls

Drop rate, or the percentage of calls that get, is a critical metric for assessing the effectiveness of your Service BDC. High drop rates are almost always the result of understaffing, or inefficiencies listed above.

A missed call process is an absolute must when you have a high drop rate. You cannot afford to miss calls. If you are missing calls, you are missing revenue and hurting CSI scores and overall CX. When calculating your drop rate subtract missed calls that were successfully called back.

KPI Target – 5%

  1. Staffing Level: Using Erlang C for Staffing Determinations

In the Service BDC, efficient staffing is essential for handling call volumes effectively. Erlang C, a mathematical formula used for workforce management, can aid in determining the optimal number of agents required to maintain service levels throughout the day and especially during peak times. By analyzing call data, average handling times, and service level objectives, Erlang C helps create a balance between people efficiency and achieving your desired service level.

At the heart of Erlang C is the concept of averages. It considers average call duration, average time between calls, and average customer patience. These averages help in predicting the optimal number of agents required to handle incoming calls efficiently. However, relying solely on averages can be a limitation.

The Need for Customization

While Erlang C provides a solid foundation, it’s essential to recognize that every BDC is unique. Generic averages might not capture the specific nuances of your market, shop hours, customer base, or service offerings. Customizing the Erlang C model to your specific needs is crucial for making accurate staffing decisions.

Managing a Service BDC by the numbers is a multifaceted challenge. By focusing on hold time, talk time, wrap up time, APT conversion rates, transfers, status check calls, drop rate, and leveraging tools like Erlang C for staffing determinations, your BDC can optimize its operations and provide exceptional service to your customers. Continuous monitoring, training, with smart staffing decisions, will ensure that your Service BDC remains an effective extension of your service team.

For a copy of the ErlangC calculator or help with anything BDC, feel free to reach out to us at ask@myallcall.com. We are always happy to help.

If your phone system does not provide the data above, we recommend you talk to Volie, an automotive-specific call center software with the tools you need to manage your Sales or Service BDC



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